A clear
approach for

great impact

Whether designing and realizing an entirely new interior or being involved in a project as a furniture supplier, you can count on our refreshing ideas, project management skills, lots of enthusiasm, boundless energy, and drive to exceed your expectations.


How your interior

Comes to life

At the heart of what we do lies a deeply rooted passion for details, design and staying ahead of the curve. We’re not just about business suits and complex processes. We’re in tune with you, working hand in hand to realize an interior that reflects your desires, ambitions, and budget. We are involved from A to Z in realizing both small and large-scale sustainable interior projects together with selected partners.

We advice

During the pre-design phase, we offer vital workplace consultancy. We guide you to identify the culture, ambition, vision, and working needs of your organization. We incorporate all input data into a workplace concept and a functional and technical program of requirements. Together with our selected partners, we can even help you with housing issues.

We design

In close collaboration with interior architects and designers, we create a design based on the workplace concept and program of requirements. This includes analyzing the space, developing a preliminary layout plan, exploring aesthetics and design elements, and ultimately creating a comprehensive final design.

Throughout the design process, we provide cost estimates and budgeting assistance. Our aim is to strike a balance between design aspirations and practical considerations, ensuring that the final design is both aesthetically pleasing and financially feasible.

We realize

We make sure your new interior is realized on time and within budget. We take care of everything, no matter how small the detail. From purchasing furniture to painting and installation – our project ninjas are in control. Every step is well-planned and executed. We go the extra mile to provide you with a stress-free experience, keeping you informed every step of the way.


We are proud to

shape impact for

CEO / Owner / Managing Director

Looking for a reliable party that can take care of your new interior from A to Z? Bureau vandervorm at your service! We arrange everything for you – from workplace consultancy, a suitable design, material choices and furniture plan to the realization of the complete renovation. We handle the execution of the entire project by finishing floors and walls, installations, etc. Our project ninjas have everything under control and direct all parties involved. Great for you – so you can focus on your daily business.

Interior architects / architects

We offer our expertise to (interior)architects by not only advising them on the furnishing plan, including material and product choices but also providing furniture delivery and installation and even taking care of the execution of your entire project by finishing the floors and walls, taking care of installations, etc. We ensure your plan/design is realized on time and within budget.

Facility Managers

We take care of it! If you are looking for a reliable partner for renovating your interior, new furniture, or a completely new interior, look no further. Our team is happy to give you advice, make sure everything runs smoothly, and ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget. Click here to see our brands.

Project management consultants

We support project management consultants in realizing their projects. Based on your design, we advise and provide you with a suitable furniture plan including material and product choices. We ensure your project is realized on time and within budget ensuring seamless delivery and move-in processes.

Design & Build

We advise and support design & build specialists. We are happy to share our knowledge and experience in the field of furniture to ensure your project is completed on time and within budget. How we participate in the project is up to you – feel free to involve us in your project. Click here to see our brands.


Let’s shape
Impact together

We'd love to hear from you

We advice

Melvin Schalkx

Melvin Schalkx
Chief Inspiring Officer

Do you have a question? Let me know!